High End Replica Audemars Piguet Royal Oak “Jumbo” Extra-Thin ref. 16202

This year was the 50th anniversary of the perfect replica Audemars Piguet Royal Oak. Gérald Genta’s masterpiece was introduced in 1972, and five decades later, it is great to see that not all that much has changed. It was great to see that luxury fake Audemars Piguet updated the Royal Oak “Jumbo” by respecting its legacy perfectly. As Robert-Jan explained, the main updates were a brand-new in-house movement and a new dial. The result feels very familiar but, at the same time, also fresh and updated.

We said goodbye to the iconic caliber 2121, which is generally regarded as one of the best and most beautiful movements ever produced. It was replaced by the new in-house developed caliber 7121 with its special “50 Years” rotor. Overall, the new 1:1 fake Audemars Piguet Royal Oak “Jumbo” is still as brilliant as ever. And that is a comforting thought in a world where the only constant is change.

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