Swiss Fake Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Frosted Gold Chronograph

Rounding up the trio of “Holy Trinity”, we have the Swiss fake Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Frosted Gold Chronograph.

The 1:1 replica Audemars Piguet Royal Oak is a staple in the luxury sports watch category – after all, it was this collection that pioneered and coined this terminology back in 1972. Its octagon bezel, and the integrated bracelet, is unmistakable. Yet, in 2017, Audemars Piguet replica online went a step further by debuting the “Frosted Gold’ treatment in the Royal Oak line of perfect fake watches.

The “Frosted Gold” finishing aims to make the super clone watch sparkle, but without the diamonds. This is achieved through the “Florentine” technique, whereby gold is beaten with a diamond tipped tool to create tiny indentations on the surface. The end result is stunning, especially when it is contrasted with the smooth polished bevels at the edges of the luxury fake watches.

Paired with an intriguing regal purple “Grande Tapisserie” dial, this AAA quality replica Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Chronograph is an interesting option that makes other Royal Oaks look rather ordinary. The white gold Audemars Piguet fake for sale is priced at S$88,700, and it will be limited to a production run of 200 pieces.

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